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Department ofReligious Studies

Father Orobator Presentation

Father Orobator was the keynote speaker on the panel presentation, “The Church We Want in the Age of Global Syndemics,” which was an event open to the larger University and local communities on February 7, 2017. Hosted by Teresia Hinga in conjunction with the course RSOC 170 “Gender Religion and Ethics of Globalization,” the panel doubled as a teachable moment for the class on the HIV/AIDS Syndemic. It served as a launching pad for two  books which were published in 2016 by Maryknoll Orbis as part of their nascent Africa Matters series. The books had been launched in other places including DePaul University, Duquesne University, as well as Catholic University of East Africa. The two books are: The Church We Want, edited by Fr. Orobator and HIV/AIDS in Africa, edited by Fr. Azestsop SJ. Respondents to Fr. Orobator lecture included Lilian Dube of USF. The panel was well attended  particularly by African Jesuit students at Berkeley and USF who turned out to see him (see photos) see also link to the talk.