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Department ofReligious Studies


Eugene Schlesinger

Eugene Schlesinger

Eugene Schlesinger Spring 2021 Update

Publishes and presents on the topics of Henri de Lubac, and the Anglican tradition.

Gene Schlesinger has been pretty preoccupied with Henri de Lubac of late:

    • In December, he presented "The Tie that Binds: Mysticism and Sacrifice in Henri de Lubac" at the National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion.
    • In January, he submitted the manuscript of his book, Mysterium Crucis: The Soteriological Axis of Henri de Lubac's Theology to the University of Notre Dame Press for peer review.
    • He also published reviews of two books on de Lubac:
      • David Grummet, Henri de Lubac and the Shaping of Modern Theology: A Reader (Ignatius Press). In Ecclesiology 17, no. 1 (2021): 136-38. As an aside, this book had a nice blurb from our dearly departed Paul Crowley.
      • John Hillebert, Henri de Lubac and the Drama of Human Existence (University of Notre Dame Press). In The Living Church (May 2, 2021): 22-23.

But it's not been all de Lubac. He also published a few things relevant to the Anglican tradition:

  • “Catholicity from an Anglican Perspective.” Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies 5, no. 2 (2020): 281–96.
  • “There’s Nothing Orthodox About Schism” The Living Church (January 24, 2021): 28–29. This was a review of two books: Charles Erlandson, Orthodox Anglican Identity: The Quest for Unity in a Diverse Religious Tradition (Wipf and Stock); Gerald McDermott, ed., The Future of Orthodox Anglicanism (Crossway).

His essay “Ecological Conversion, the Four Point Hypothesis, and Social Grace” appeared in Intellect, Affect, and God: The Trinity, History, and the Life of Grace, edited by Joseph Ogbannaya and Gerard Whelan. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2021. This volume is a Festschrift for Robert M. Doran, SJ, who unexpectedly passed away on January 21. Gene is grateful that the chapter is out there, but saddened that Fr. Bob never got the chance to see it.

Finally, Schlesinger has begun work on his next project, which he hopes will be a book on the divided church. For now, it's a series of articles. One is under review at Theological Studies, and the second will be his presentation at the National Meeting of the American Academy of Religion this November. These essays take as their starting point the "four point hypothesis" mentioned in the title of the Festschrift chapter.