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Department ofReligious Studies

Ecocentric Theology

Paul Schutz Ecocentric Theology

Paul Schutz Ecocentric Theology

Paul Schutz publishes new article

Paul Schutz publishes new article

Paul Schutz Ecocentric Theology

In October 2017, Prof. Paul Schutz published "From Creatureliness to a Creation Imagination," in The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture. Building on a personal reflection on the his interaction with a fly, Prof. Schutz proposes an ecocentric and theocentric conception of 'creatureliness' that merges insights from the natural sciences with the Christian tradition's doctrine of creation. For just as the sciences describe our situation within unique networks of processes and relationships that constitute us and guide our ongoing co-evolution with other-than human creatures, a proper understanding of the doctrine of creation directs the Christian tradition toward a deep love for all all creatures, great and small. Amid our planet's imperiled state, Prof. Schutz argues, we must seek a new way of imagining creation that will lead religions and peoples to seek the flourishing of all creatures according to their own kind.