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Department ofReligious Studies

Annual SF Giants Game

Religious Studies faculty at San Francisco Giants game

Religious Studies faculty at San Francisco Giants game

Group leader, Vicky Gonzalez organized a group of faculty & staff from the Religious Studies Dept. and College of Arts & Sciences who participated in the 19th annual trip to AT&T Park to see the SF Giants play against the Colorado Rockies on Friday, May 18th. It was Santa Clara Night at the ballpark, and everyone in the RS group got an SCU/Giants beanie as a souvenir.  It was a chilly evening so the SCU caps were very useful.  It was also Star Wars Night, so there were sightings of fans costumed as Princess Leia, Han Solo, ewoks and wookies.  We had most of our usual RS Department participants at the game, but also had a nice variety of other College of Arts & Sciences friends from Math/Computer Sciences, Environmental Studies/Sciences, and Psychology/Public Health.