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Department ofReligious Studies

A New Academic Collaboration

Prof Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and RS Major Olivia Hill

Prof Sarita Tamayo-Moraga and RS Major Olivia Hill

Olivia Hill and Sarita Tamayo-Moraga work together on a paper and an independent studies course.

Olivia Hill and Sarita Tamayo-Moraga work together on a paper and an independent studies course.

Religious Studies major Olivia Hill '21 and Religious Studies faculty member Sarita Tamayo-Moraga will present a paper together at the American Academy of Religion Western Region in March of 2020 at the Education and Pedagogy Unit of the AARWR. The title of the paper is "Departmental Obligation in the Personal Transformation of Religious Studies Majors at a Jesuit University." Olivia will be conducting interviews during Winter of 2020 while she and Tamayo-Moraga do an independent studies course together on the topic. The next edition of "Perspectives" will contain an account of their presentation at AARWR in March of 2020.