Note from the Chair
Dear Alumni and Friends,
It has been a busy Fall here on the third floor of Kenna Hall. We continue to adapt to the new normal of a not-yet post-Covid context, with all the complexity that entails for teaching and programming. I never cease to be amazed by the commitment and achievements of our faculty in the classroom, around campus, and beyond. Much of what is in this issue of Perspectives is testimony to their accomplishments.
This fall we welcomed Bryson White, our new Assistant Professor in Black and African theology. Bryson is a native Californian. His research explores the relationship between whiteness and eschatology in the Christian tradition, with a particular focus on how Christian conceptions of punishment intersect with mass incarceration in Black communities. He also has a long history of community organizing and working with religious communities, which informs both his teaching and scholarship.
With almost 200 more first-year students choosing to attend Santa Clara this year than the university had estimated, much of our focus has been on teaching these new first-year students. With that late surge, we were fortunate to be able to hire three additional quarterly faculty for the fall. You can read more about them in the following pages.
We have also been busy this fall conducting a search in LatinX theologies. I expect to have exciting news to share with you about the outcome of that search in the next issue of Perspectives.
As I finish my first quarter as department chair, I am grateful for the excellent faculty that I get to work with. Their enthusiasm and energy inspire me. I have enjoyed moving from the “west wing” to an office facing the lobby on the east end. It has been fun to experience the “vibe” here, with the regular traffic of faculty to their mailboxes, students to ask questions, as well as the children and pets that help make this such a lively place.
Finally, I want to give a special shout-out to Philip Boo Riley for his service as interim chair last year. He did far more than merely keep things running. I am especially grateful for his patience and wisdom in helping me learn the ropes. The same is true of his predecessor David Gray, who has also been an invaluable resource as I transition into this role. Both created extensive documentation that has been crucial in helping me navigate this role (and which makes this historian happy!)
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year.
Jim Bennett Chair, Religious Studies Department
RS Faculty Present Research in Bannan Forum "Finding God in Googleville" Panel
Elizabeth Drescher, Jaime Wright, Boo Riley, and Roberto Mata apply different academic approaches in seeking to understand how religion is embedded in and responds to the concrete, everyday places where ordinary people live.
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Religious Studies Alumnus Reza Aslan '95 Visits SCU
Reza visited classes, met with faculty, and discussed his new book, An American Martyr in Persia: The Epic Life and Tragic Death of Howard Baskerville.
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Welcome New Faculty
The Religious Studies Department welcomes Claudia Moutray, Rick Heller, and Bob Lassalle-Klein.
RS Faculty Awards
Congratulations to Boo Riley, Sarita Tamayo-Moraga, Kitty Murphy, and Ana Maria Pineda, R.S.M.
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Paul Schutz
Paul Schutz and Julie Hanlon Rubio published their research on sexual abuse and clericalism.
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Eugene Schlesinger
Eugene Schlesinger presented his paper on Henri de Lubac.
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Elyse Raby
Elyse Raby presented her article, "The Potential Ecclesial Metaphors in Systematic Ecclesiology."
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Updates from David DeCosse, Jan Giddings, Teresia Hinga, Sally Vance-Trembath, Cathleen Chopra-McGowan, Haruka Umetsu Cho, Bryson White, Daniel Morgan, James Bennett, and Kevin Chaves. Read More |
Daniel Martinez '24
Religious Studies major Daniel Martinez received a Jean Donovan fellowship and a REAL grant. As part of that grant, he helped put together Casa De Clara Catholic Worker House's July newsletter! He is also a Unity CF.
Sasha Eros '23
In conjunction with Campus Ministry, Religious Studies major Sasha Eros has created a series called Questioning Catholicism. This bi-weekly event is a space for all who seek curiously and hold concerns about Catholic issues.
Kathleen Quiazon '99
Kathleen defended her dissertation with the University of San Francisco to earn an Ed.D in Catholic educational leadership. She credits her time with SCU for starting her on that path. She submitted the final manuscript, "Feminist Catholic Organizational Identity: A Phenomenological Study of Charism in the Lay Educators of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community" and looks forward to seeing it on Proquest.
We would love to hear from you! If you have any news or memories to share (tell us your best RS story!), would like to update us about your current life and work, or have any ideas for RS programs and initiatives, please email
You might include a story or photo of a recent event, or just let us know about your current location, career, or thoughts. Thank you!