Catherine M. Murphy
- Email: Contact Form
- Phone: 408-551-1909
- Location: 323B Kenna Hall Campus Map
- Website: https://www.scu.edu/cas/religious-studies/faculty--staff/catherine-murphy/
Catherine Murphy received a B.A. in History from Santa Clara University, a M.A. in Catechetics from Santa Clara University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christianity from the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Her research explores the interplay between religious ideologies and economic practices in Judaism and Christianity at the turn of the era (100 BCE–200 CE). In her teaching and research, she uses insights from postcolonial studies, communication theory and gender studies to imagine the ancient contexts and contemporary receptions of biblical texts.
- SCTR 15 Texting God
- SCTR 19 Religions of the Book
- SCTR 26 Gender in Early Christianity
- SCTR 27 Digging Up Jesus
The Historical Jesus for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2008.
“Introduction: The Dead Sea Scrolls in the Popular Imagination,” with Maxine L. Grossman. Dead Sea Discoveries 12:2 (2005) 1-5.
John the Baptist: Prophet of Purity for a New Age, Interfaces. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 2003.
Wealth in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Qumran Community, Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 40. Leiden/New York: Brill, 2002.
“104. 4QRutha” and “105. 4QRuthb,” with Eugene Ulrich. In Qumran Cave 4, XI: Psalms to Chronicles (ed. Eugene Ulrich et al.; Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 16; Oxford: Clarendon, 2000) 187-94.
“Sdeir 1. Sdeir Genesis.” In Qumran Cave 4, XXVII: Miscellaneous Texts from Qumran and Other Sites (ed. P. Alexander et al.; Discoveries in the Judaean Desert 38; Oxford: Clarendon, 1999) 117-24.