Hassan Alshal
Hassan Alshal received his Ph.D. from University of Miami, FL, in 2020, where he studied massive dual gravity. Also, he has a Master degree from the same university with a thesis about electrostatics and wormholes geometry. He did research on generalized uncertainty principle and black holes. Dr. Alshal's current interests involve higher-spin theory, supergravity and gauge/gravity duality. During the 2020/2021 academic year, Dr. Alshal joined Lincoln University, PA, as an adjunct lecturer.
- Alshal, Hassan (2023). “Einstein’s equations and the pseudo-entropy of pseudo-Riemannian information manifolds”. In: Gen. Rel. Grav. 55.7, p. 86. arXiv: 2301.13017 [gr-qc].
- Curtright, Thomas and Alshal, Hassan (Nov. 2022). “Newtonian Gravity on an N-Sphere”. arXiv: 2211.08236 [physics.class-ph].
- Ali, Ahmed Farag, Emmanuel Moulay, Kimet Jusufi, and Alshal, Hassan (2022). “Unitary symmetries in wormhole geometry and its thermodynamics”. In: Eur. Phys. J. C 82.12, p. 1170. arXiv: 2302.08307 [hep-th].
- Hemeda, Mohammed, Alshal, Hassan, Ahmed Farag Ali, and Elias C. Vagenas (Aug. 2022). “Gravitational Observations and LQGUP”. arXiv: 2208.04686 [gr-qc].
- Danehkar, Ashkbiz, Alshal, Hassan, and Thomas L. Curtright (2021). “Dual Fields of Massive/Massless Gravitons in IR/UV Completions”. In: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 30.14, p. 2142021. arXiv: 2109.05148 [hep-th].
- Van Kortryk, T. S., T. L. Curtright, and Alshal, H. (2020). “On Enceladian Fields”. In: Bulg. J. Phys. 48.2, pp. 138–145. arXiv: 2012.13959 [physics.pop-ph].
- Vagenas, Elias C., Ahmed Farag Ali, Mohammed Hemeda, and Alshal, Hassan (2020). “Massless Charged Particles Tunneling Radiation from a RN-dS Horizon and the Linear and Quadratic GUP”. in: Ann. Phys. 432, p. 168574. arXiv: 2008. 09853 [hep-th].
- Alshal, Hassan ( 2019). “Linearized Stability of Bardeen de-Sitter Thin-Shell Wormholes”. In: EPL 128. 6, p. 60007. arXiv: 1909.07811 [gr- qc].
- Curtright, Thomas L., David B. Fairlie, and Alshal, H. (2019). “A Galileon Primer”. arXiv: 1212.6972 [hep-th].
- Alshal, H. and T. L. Curtright ( 2019). “Massive Dual Gravity in N Spacetime Dimensions”. In: JHEP 09, p. 063. arXiv: 1907.11537 [hep- th].
- Curtright, T. L. and Alshal, H. ( 2019). “Massive Dual Spin 2 Revisited”. In: Nucl. Phys. B 948, p. 114777. DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2019.114777. arXiv: 1907.11532 [hep- th].
- Vagenas, Elias C., Ahmed Farag Ali, and Alshal, Hassan ( 2019). “Massless charged particles, naked singularity, and GUP in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter-like spacetime”. In: Phys. Rev. D99. 8, p. 084013. arXiv: 1903.09634 [hep- th].