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A group of people in a lush, green forested area.

A group of people in a lush, green forested area.

Chris Bacon and colleagues​ receive multi-year grant to study coping with food and water insecurity

Chris Bacon​ received a $272,555 grant from the Geography and Spatial Program at the National Science Foundation. These funds will support​ a project titled "RUI: GSS: Coping with Food and Water Insecurity: Producing Vulnerability or Resilient Responses to the Coffee Leaf Rust Outbreak and Mesoamerican Drought?" The project will develop an integrated assessment of & smallholders’ food and water insecurity and analyze the factors that contribute to livelihood resilience as multiple hazards converge in Central America. Chris is the Principal Investigator and will coordinate an interdisciplinary team that includes Iris Stewart-Frey (ESS), Bill Sundstrom (Economics), and Ed Maurer (Engineering) as well as the active participation of students and Nicaraguan farmers. The findings will inform global efforts to link climate adaption and disaster risk reduction with sustainable development, and have particular relevance for Latin American producers as well as the coffee industry in the United States.

Field of dry maize plants with trees in the background.
Map of Mexico and Central America showing different geological regions.

Related: ESS students aid Chris Bacon in Nicaragua
