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A person speaking at a podium on a stage.

A person speaking at a podium on a stage.

2015 Dean's Leadership Forum

In only two years the Dean’s Leadership Forum has become a much-anticipated annual event of the College of Arts and Sciences. At the intersection of the humanities, arts, and sciences, the Forum brings to campus visionary leaders who urge us to action for the benefit of humanity. This year, best-selling author and anti-death penalty activist Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J. and award-winning actor Martin Sheen made a compelling case for social and political activism. Their advocacy, which ranges from respect for human life in prisons to ocean conservation, underscores the value of a Jesuit education and the predisposition of our Santa Clara community, particularly our students, to “go forth and set the world on fire.”

Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J.

Martin Sheen

Grace and the story of Dead Man Walking
Find something worth fighting for

A person speaking at a podium on a stage.

A man speaking at a podium on a stage with a microphone.

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