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Department ofMusic

Applied Music Instruction

Sign-up for Fall 2024 Applied Music Instruction is now open.


The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to offering high-quality applied music instruction to undergraduate students at SCU. Applied music instruction can have an incredibly positive effect on your growth as a musician whether you are new to applied music study, or have been in lessons since you could walk. Lessons are available to students for credit as a class, without a separate fee, on a space-available basis. Priority is given first to Music Majors/Minors, Theatre/Dance Majors/Minors, and students participating in a Department of Music ensemble. (i.e. Choir, Orchestra, Band, etc). Beginning-level students in piano, voice, guitar, and composition should enroll in one of the group instruction classes prior to seeking applied music instruction: MUSC 30 - Beginning Piano; MUSC 34 - Beginning Voice; MUSC 36 - Beginning Guitar; MUSC 37 - Beginning Composition.

Music Majors

All Music Majors are required to take a minimum of 6 units of applied music instruction. All majors are encouraged to take applied music instruction every quarter. Students may take one 45 or 60-minute lesson weekly, or two 30-minute lessons in different areas. The total weekly lesson time may not exceed 60 minutes.

Music Minors

Music Minors are required to take a minimum of 2 units of applied music instruction in an area of their choice; minors will receive one weekly 30-minute lesson.


Theatre/Dance Majors can take one 45 or 60-minute lesson weekly or two 30-minute lessons in different areas.  The total weekly time may not exceed 60 minutes. Theatre/Dance Minors can take one weekly 30-minute lesson. Musical Theatre Minors are required to take a minimum of 3 quarters of vocal instruction over the course of their minor.

Elective Students

Elective students may receive one weekly 30-minute lesson. Participation in a departmental ensemble is required. The department strongly encourages music departmental ensembles participation alongside applied music instruction, as the two courses of study provide you with the ultimate benefit and chance for musical growth. (Except for Harp and Piano, please come with your own instrument.)

Lesson Attendance

Students are required to attend ALL lessons during the quarter. Failure to attend lessons or juries will jeopardize the students' enrolment for future quarters. All applied music lessons for credit take place on campus.

In the case of illness, the following policy applies:

  • Lesson Cancellations - Only one make-up lesson is granted per quarter for student cancellation

  • Lessons canceled by the instructor will be made up at a mutually agreed time

Any variance must be approved by the director of applied music instruction. 

For all students intending to continue taking lessons the following quarter, applied music lesson forms must be turned in during the regular registration period.  For all students taking applied music lessons for the first time, these forms must be turned in no later than 3:00 PM on the first Wednesday of the quarter.

Grading and Juries

All students who are enrolled in applied music instruction must complete nine weeks of instruction, and take a jury in their area of study. All juries are organized and scheduled by the instructors in consultation with the music department office, and will always take place during finals week. Jury sign-up sheets will be posted by the Music Department two weeks prior to finals. Jury examinations account for 1/3 of the total grade for the quarter.

Students are required to fill out a jury examination form on which they list material studied throughout the quarter. They will be asked to sing/play one or more of these works at their Jury Examination, which will last between 5-10 minutes. The download link for this form is at the top of this page.

Specific guidelines for Voice Lessons

The repertoire requirements stated below are “minimum” levels for voice students. Some students will be able to substantially exceed these minimum levels.

  1. 30-minute lessons (elective students): A minimum of 2 songs are learned and memorized each quarter. One song is selected by the student from their repertoire to sing at juries.

  2. 45-minute lessons: A minimum of 3 songs are learned, and 2 songs are memorized each quarter. One song is selected by the student from their repertoire to sing at juries.

  3. 60-minute lessons: A minimum of 4 songs are learned and memorized. One song is selected by the student to sing at juries. A second song will be chosen by the jury panel on the day of juries. 

  4. Music minors and lyric musical theatre minors: Jury repertoire should include at least one classical selection. Study of one foreign language selection per quarter is highly recommended.
  5. Theatre majors and musical theatre minors: Jury repertoire should include two contrasting songs from the musical theatre repertoire.