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Department ofModern Languages and Literatures


German Career Day - Goethe-Institute

On October 6th, a group of German Studies students together with Professor Josef Hellebrandt attended German Career Day in San Francisco.  Held only for the second time at the Goethe-Institute in the City, the event allowed participants to interact with representatives from German companies like BMW, universities, among them the Technical University of Munich (TUM) as well as exchange organizations and foundations like the Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) and the International Parliamentary Scholarships (IPS) awarded annually by the German Federal Parliament. SCU students participated in expert-led sessions and roundtables to learn about career paths with German and strategies on how to succeed with German in the US and abroad.



Max Rauenbuehler, Karl Baumgartner, Stefania Gueorguieva, Professor Josef Hellebrandt, Francesca Hellebrandt, Joe Seeger (not pictured)