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Department ofModern Languages and Literatures

Japanese Studies Program


Interested in Anime? Video games? Or business opportunities in Japan? The Japanese Studies Program at Santa Clara University offers.

You can minor in Japanese Studies. Complete Japanese minor by taking 19 units of upper-division Japanese courses: JAPN 100, 101, 102, and 137, or program approved study abroad courses or other upper-division courses offered on Japan.

You can also minor in Asian Studies, if you are interested in the interdisciplinary area study of different cultures of Asia.

There is also International Business Minor. You will need to take JAPN 23 or have an equivalent proficiency, combined with international business courses and social science courses in global context.

Why Study Japanese?

  • Japanese is spoken by 120 million people in Japan which has the world's second largest developed economy

  • Japanese is not as difficult as you might think

  • Japan has extremely rich and old culture

  • Japan is a world leader in technology and innovation

  • Japan is the hub of anime, manga, and video games

  • Japan is a gateway to other Asian countries

  • Japan is one of the safest countries in the world

  • Knowing Japanese sets you apart

  • Learning a non-European language opens your mind and possibilities

Life After Graduation: What Can I Do with Japanese?

Here are some examples:

  • JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) program
  • Localization specialist in various fields of business
  • Overseas marketing and PR for Japanese companies
  • English content writer for Japanese companies
  • Tour Guide
  • Travel Consultant
  • Subtitle editor
  • Interpreter for professional sports athletes

What Japanese Classes Can I Take at SCU?

JAPN 1~3: Elementary Japanese I~III

JAPN 21~23: Intermediate Japanese I~III

JAPN 100: Advanced Japanese I (Conversation)

JAPN 101: Advanced Japanese II (Topic-Based)

JAPN 102: Advanced Japanese III (Topic-Based)

JAPN 137: Japanese Culture (Japanese Society through Media)

Undergraduate Bulletin

Where Can I Study Abroad?

You can study abroad in Japan at three universities, two located in Tokyo and one in Nagoya.

  • Sophia University (Tokyo): Direct Exchange Program in Various Fields of Study for Academic Year or Spring Quarter
  • Sophia University (Tokyo): East Asian Studies or Japanese Language during Summer Session
  • University of the Sacred Heart (Tokyo): Direct Exchange Program in Intensive Japanese Language and Culture for Spring Quarter (Women Only)
  • IES Nagoya Program at Nanzan University (Nagoya): Intensive Study of Japanese Language, Art, Political Science for Academic Year, Fall Quarter, or Spring Quarter


Minor Requirements

Minor in Japanese Studies

  • JAPN 100, 101, and 102, or department-approved substitutions
  • Remaining electives to total at least 19 quarter units of upper-division work in Japanese. At least 10 of these units must be taken at SCU or taught by SCU faculty.

Japanese Academic Advising

Advisor for 2nd language CORE, Elementary & Intermediate Japanese Courses:
Seiko Horibe Fujii

Shinjuku Tokyo Japan

Living in Tokyo often meant daily city excursions to discover everything the bustling metropolis had to offer. I absolutely love urban life, but every once in a while, I needed to get away. Shinjuku Gyoen was a mere five minute train ride or thirty-minute walk from Sophia University's front gates. I loved spending my time at the park having a hanami (a cherry blossom viewing picnic) with friends or taking a leisurely walk. Shinjuku Gyoen's lush and peaceful environment was perfectly juxtaposed next to Tokyo's crazy urban life, making the perfect escape.