Cadet Troop leader Training

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) provides cadets the opportunity to shadow Second Lieutenants for three to four weeks over the summer. These cadets, sometimes jokingly dubbed, “Third Lieutenants,” experience life in an active duty unit through the lens of an Army leader. CTLT allows them to gain insight into a branch that interests them and helps them to understand what day-to-day life is like as a Lieutenant in that branch. The Bronco Battalion sent four cadets to CTLT this summer. Cadets James Middleton and Michael Tran participated in CTLT at Fort Sill, OK, where they were part of Field Artillery units. In addition to Field Artillery training, Cadet Middleton learned about Air Defense Artillery and Explosive Ordnance Disposal tasks. Cadet Luke Correnti participated in CTLT with an Aviation unit at Fort Riley, KS. There he encountered our former PMS LTC John Tiedeman. Cadet Morgan Kim had an especially unique CTLT experience. He traveled across the Pacific to South Korea where he spent time with a transportation unit. Of the experience, he said:
" This summer, I went to Osan AFB in South Korea for CTLT, attached to the 25th Transportation Bn, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command. During my time there, the Bn conducted a HMMWV convoy gunnery, sling load operations, an M4 qual range, Patriot Express and railhead missions, and a Movement Control Academy to train the soldiers in their MOS specific competencies. I had a great time and got to see a lot of the country!"
Cadet Correnti poses with LTC Tiedeman
Cadet Middleton remotely operates a robotic arm (seen in background) that is used by Army EOD to safely dismantle explosive threats