Tyler Pham Spends Semester in Budapest
In the summer of 2017, Tyler Pham studied abroad in Hungary with the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Program. Budapest Semesters in Mathematics is a highly acclaimed study abroad program where students spend two months learning advanced mathematics with an emphasis on creative problem solving. Hungary boasts a tradition that "combines distinction in research with dedication to teaching and nurturing mathematical talent."
Tyler is currently a junior mathematics major at Santa Clara University. In preparation for the program, he took many upper division mathematics courses in his first two years at SCU. While in Budapest, he took two courses. In Combinatorics 2, he learned the basic concepts of Hypergraph Theory, which was used to discuss the theory of finite set systems. Tyler also took a mathematical problem solving course, which focused on Hungarian problem solving methods. These courses challenged students to think in new ways, which has helped to prepare Tyler for research and graduate school. Tyler is currently taking Cryptography, Intermediate Analysis, and Survey of Geometry. He has also worked on a research project with Professor Frank Farris, and would like to pursue a Ph.D. after he graduates.
Tyler Pham (far left) with his MPS class.