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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science

Three Students Attend the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math (NCUWM)

SCU math majors Chaimi Lee, Ashley Zhong, and Mika Philip traveled to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln to meet professors, industry professionals, and other students who share their passion for mathematics.

SCU math majors Chaimi Lee, Ashley Zhong, and Mika Philip traveled to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, for the annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math (NCUWM). The conference included over 300 participants from all over the US, with professors, industry professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students all taking part. Activities included plenary talks, panel discussions, networking meals, smaller breakout sessions, presentations from undergraduate students, and a poster session with various undergraduate students’ projects.

Lee was invited to give a presentation, showcasing the research she did over the summer with Professor Michael Hartglass on dual bases for planar algebra diagrams.

Though not presenting, Zhong found the panel discussions and plenary talks to be most insightful and informative. For example, she had the opportunity to sit at Dr. Zhilan Feng’s table during the networking dinner, learning about her research in mathematical biology and how she found her passion.

Philip was inspired by the amount of research done by the amazing women present. Whether using linear algebra, differential equations, or other tools, these mathematicians found ways to apply their knowledge toward goals like humanitarian relief or virus outbreak prevention. Philip is pictured with one of the “hidden figures” of NASA, Christine Darden, who overcame adversity in the pursuit of mathematical research.

Overall, NCUWM provided each of these women a chance to look beyond SCU and meet people who share their passion for mathematics.
