Rhiannon Giddens, 2019-21 Frank Sinatra Artist-in-Residence
Grammy-winning singer and musician skilled in an array of genres from fiddle to folk to opera, Rhiannon Giddens gave a number of performances on campus, worked with students, and engaged with the University community on special projects.
2020-2021 Residency

Winter 2020 Residency

Fall 2019 Residency

Navigate here to Making Connections Through Music
Making Connections Through Music
Rhiannon Giddens brought her passion for music to the classroom.

Navigate here to Giddens Resurrects the Past
Giddens Resurrects the Past
Frank Sinatra Chair in the Performing Arts enthralls, educates SCU audience

Navigate here to there is no Other
there is no Other
Rhiannon Giddens performed her latest concert with guest Francesco Turrisi