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Department ofGender and Sexuality Studies


Alternating Perspectives Through Gender Studies

Maddie Hall hopes to advocate for the healthcare needs of the transgender community.

Maddie Hall hopes to advocate for the healthcare needs of the transgender community.

By Shantala Jennings '27

Maddie Hall, a senior double majoring in Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies, has always had an interest in the people around her. She came to Santa Clara intending to study social psychology and gain skills in research and data science. While on campus, she gained practical experience and explored various career paths in the psychology profession. She was able to broaden her perspective and sharpen her critical thinking skills, which improved her comprehension of the world, by developing an intersectional lens through her courses in Women’s and Gender Studies.

Hall has participated in a variety of interests while on campus. She has been involved in Dr. Bruchmnann’s research lab, holds an internship with the Office of Institutional Research, and has worked in technical theater for the past two musicals, primarily in sound.

Learn more about her involvement on campus, favorite course at SCU, advice for incoming students and post-graduate plans!

What projects have you been involved with while at SCU?

I've been working with the County of Santa Clara since last summer as a Government Fellow and now as an intern in the County health and hospital system. Through this, I learned a lot about healthcare, including Medi-Cal. One of my main projects centered around medical insurance, so I felt comfortable navigating the complexity of the medical system and all of its jargon!

Considering I had this knowledge, I felt like I could put it to good use outside of work too. My friend Clayton Wiley and I decided to do a zine about gender-affirming care under Medi-Cal as our final project for my Trans Studies class with Dr. Jones. We received a Bannan Mission Integration Grant to continue our work on the zine and are currently working on revisions and expansions now.

Which course do you believe had the most impact on you and your perspective on different topics?

Honestly, which class hasn’t! Feminist Methods with Dr. Heard, however, stands out. Taking it as a psychology major who had taken a bunch of methods classes already, it both broadened and challenged my understanding of what we consider objective in a subjective world.

What advice do you have for incoming first years?

Take a variety of classes your freshman year; don’t focus on any one subject. There are so many interesting courses and disciplines at SCU, and I wish I had taken more classes in different subjects!

What are your post-graduation plans?

I hope to continue working in healthcare at the County of Santa Clara! I’ve really enjoyed my time there and being able to make an impact on my community, so I hope to continue post-graduation.