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Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences

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Ed Maurer, Iris Stewart-Frey, Chad Raphael, Tseming Yang, and Chris Bacon will co-lead SCU’s Initiative on Environmental Justice and the Common Good.

Ed Maurer, Iris Stewart-Frey, Chad Raphael, Tseming Yang, and Chris Bacon will co-lead SCU’s Initiative on Environmental Justice and the Common Good.

SCU announces Environmental Justice Initiative

ESS faculty Bacon & Stewart-Frey co-lead EJ efforts

ESS faculty Bacon & Stewart-Frey co-lead EJ efforts

Environmental Justice and the Common Good logo

SCU President, Kevin O'Brien, SJ, recently announced a three-year Initiative on Environmental Justice and the Common Good. ESS faculty members Chris Bacon and Iris Stewart-Frey will help lead the initiative, in collaboration with Ed Maurer (Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering), Chad Raphael (Communication), and Tseming Yang (School of Law).

The Initiative has three goals:

  • Promoting environmental justice across SCU through faculty development initiatives and research and teaching partnerships with community-based organizations;
  • Building a network to resource innovative models of research and teaching for environmental justice across Northern California through partnerships with other academic institutions and community-based organizations;
  • Expanding and resourcing collaborations among faculty, staff and students at Jesuit universities in the U.S. and around the world.

The Initiative is a natural next step, after the Environmental Justice and the Common Good conference held at SCU in May 2019 and a prior Bannan Institute collaborative. As part of this effort, the environmental justice collaborative co-organized a regional meeting of environmental justice scholars and teachers at Stanford University this past summer. This phase of the initiative will culminate with an international conference on environmental justice hosted by Santa Clara in 2023.


Ed Maurer, Iris Stewart-Frey, Chad Raphael, Tseming Yang, and Chris Bacon will co-lead SCU’s Initiative on Environmental Justice and the Common Good.