Lisa Kealhofer
- Email: Contact Form
- Location: O'Connor Hall Campus Map
B.A., Macalester College, Anthropology & Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
- ANTH 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 2: Introduction to Archaeology
- ANTH 12: Measuring Humanity
- ANTH 140: Food, Culture, and the Environment
- ANTH 142: Environmental Archaeology
- ANTH 145: Historical Ecology
- ANTH 147: Archaeology of Complex Societies
Recent peer reviewed articles:
Grave, P., L. Kealhofer, B. Marsh, U. Dietrich Schoop, J. Seeher, J. W. Bennett, A. Stopic: 2014 Ceramics, Trade, Proveniene and Geology: Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age. Antiquity 88(342):xx.
Aslan, C., L. Kealhofer and P. Grave: 2014 The Early Iron Age at Troy reconsidered. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 33(3) 275:312.
Liu, L., L. Kealhofer, X Chen, P. Ji: 2014 A Broad-Spectrum Subsistence Economy in Neolithic Inner Mongolia, China: Evidence from Grinding Stones. The Holocene. 24(6): 726-742.
Marsh, B. and L. Kealhofer: 2014 Scales of impact: settlement history and landscape change in the Gordion region, central Anatolia. The Holocene. 24(6): 689-701.
Grave, P., L. Kealhofer, P. Hnila, B. Marsh, C. Aslan, D. Thumm-Dorayan, and W. Rigter: 2013 Cultural dynamics and ceramic resource use at Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Troy, northwestern Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (4): 1760-1777.
Kealhofer, L., P. Grave, and B. Marsh: 2013 Scaling Ceramic Provenience at Lydian Sardis, Western Turkey, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(4): 1918-1934.
Kealhofer, L., P. Grave, B. Marsh, S. Steadman, R. Gorny, and G. Summers: 2010 Patterns of Iron Age interaction in central Anatolia: three sites in Yozgat province. Anatolian Studies 60: 71-92.
Grave, P., Kealhofer, L., Marsh, B., Sams, G.K., Voigt, M., & DeVries, K.: 2009 Ceramic production and provenience at Gordion, Central Anatolia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36(10), 2162-2176. IF 1.85
Kealhofer, L., P. Grave, H. Genz, and D.B. Marsh: 2009 Post-collapse: the Re-emergence of Polity in Iron Age Boazköy. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28(3), 275-300.
Grave, P., L. Kealhofer, M.-H. Gates, and D.B. Marsh: 2008 Using NAA to Identify Scales of Interaction at Kinet Höyük, Turkey, Journal of Archaeological Science. 35(7) 1974-1992.
Kealhofer, L. and Grave, P.: 2008 Land Use, Political Complexity and Urbanism in Mainland Southeast Asia. American Antiquity 73(2):200-225.
Barker, G., Barton, H. Bird, M. Daly, P. Datan, I., Dykes, A., Farr, L. Gilbertson, D. Harrisson, B., Hunt, C. Higham, T., Kealhofer, L., Krigbaum, J. Lewis, H., McLaren, S., Paz, V. Pike, A., Piper, P., Pyatt, B. Rabett, R. Reynolds, T. Rose, J. Rushworth, G. Stephens, M. Stringer, C., Thompson, J., and C. Turney: 2007 The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo), Journal of Human Evolution 52(3):243-261. IF 3.55
Edited books/journal issues:
Kealhofer, L. (editor): 2005 The Archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia.
Kealhofer, L. and M Graves (eds.): 1996 Human-Environmental Relationships in Prehistory: Current Research in South and Southeast Asia, Asian Perspectives 35(2). [dedicated volume]
Baker, B. and L. Kealhofer (eds.): 1996 Bioarchaeology of Native American Adaptation in the Spanish Borderlands. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Peer reviewed book chapters:
Kealhofer, L. and P. Grave: 2011 The Iron Age on the Central Anatolia Plateau, in The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 10,000-323 BCE, edited by S. Steadman and G. McMahon, 415-442. Oxford University Press, New York.
Fullagar, R., Field, J. and L. Kealhofer: 2008 Grinding Stones and Seeds of Change: Starch and Phytoliths as Evidence of Plant Food Processing, In New Approaches to Old Stones, edited by Y. Rowan, pgs. 159-172. David Brown, London.
Monograph/Book chapters:
Tim Reynolds, Graeme Barker, Huw Barton, Gathorne Cranbrook, Chris Hunt, Lisa Kealhofer, Victor Paz, Alistair Pike, Philip Piper, Ryan Rabett, Garry Rushworth, Chris Stimpson & Katherine Szabo: 2013 Chapter 4 The First Modern Humans at Niah, c. 50,000–35,000 Years Ago 133 In Rainforest foraging and farming in Island Southeast Asia, The Archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Edited by Graeme Barker, pp. 133-170. Cambridge: The McDonald Institute, Cambridge University.
Huw Barton, Graeme Barker, David Gilbertson, Chris Hunt, Lisa Kealhofer, Helen Lewis, Victor Paz, Philip Piper, Ryan Rabett, Tim Reynolds & Katherine Szabó.: 2013 Chapter 5 Late Pleistocene Foragers, c. 35,000–11,500 Years Ago, In Rainforest foraging and farming in Island Southeast Asia, The Archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Edited by Graeme Barker, pp. 171-214. Cambridge: The McDonald Institute, Cambridge University