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Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences

Hossein Ayazi

Hossein Ayazi

Quarterly Lecturer

Hossein Ayazi is Senior Policy Analyst with the Global Justice Program at the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) at UC Berkeley. Across his research, teaching, and policy strategy work, he engages the U.S. and global political economy of race, agri-food systems, and environmental change, and their relationship to antiracist, anticolonial, and revolutionary-socialist struggles from the 20th century on into the present. 
As part of OBI, he has published reports on U.S. and global agri-food and environmental policy, state and corporate power, trade and development, labor and migration, climate impacts and resilience strategies, and climate reparations. On these topics, he has helped organize convenings among scholars, organizers, communicators, researchers, artists, and policymakers. 
Hossein is currently the Coordinating Lead Author on the California Fifth Climate Assessment topical report on “Climate-Induced Human Displacement & Migration,” and is consulted as an expert advisor for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees global recommendations on the topic of statelessness and the climate crisis. 
Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar at Tufts University and a Visiting Professor at Williams College. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management from UC Berkeley.
  • ENVS 22: Environment and Society