Robin Tremblay-McGaw
Robin Tremblay-McGaw's (M.L.I.S., University of California Berkeley; Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz) interests include: writing and rhetoric, film, poetics, poetry, and aesthetics, multimodal projects, whiteness and racism; feminist and queer theory. Robin teaches a variety of courses at SCU including: Cultures & Ideas: Film Around the Globe; Critical Thinking and Writing: Communities & Rhetorics; English 14: Literary History and Interpretation; ENGL 69/WGST 15/ETH 69: Literature by Women Writers of Color in the U.S.; English 168AM/WGST 167: Reading Rebellious and Revolutionary Women Writers in the U.S.; English 122/ WGST 34: Film, Gender & Sexuality: Spider Women, Butterflies & Renegades, and others. She has been a recipient of a Center for Arts and Humanities Fellowship and several Teaching with Technology Grants that work to support multimodal projects at Santa Clara. With SCU Instructional Technology staff, she co-facilitates multimodal workshops for SCU faculty.
Robin is the co-editor with Rob Halpern of From Our Hearts to Yours: New Narrative as Contemporary Practice (ON Contemporary Practice, 2017). Her book of poems, Dear Reader (Ithuriel's Spear) came out in August 2015. Her poems have appeared most recently in The Brooklyn Rail (July/August 2024) Plumwood Mountain: An Australian and International Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics (2020); Places: Public scholarship on architecture, landscape, and urbanism (2020); Fetch, Santa Clara Review, Elderly, and elsewhere. Poems are forthcoming in Threefold Magazine out of Detroit in October 2024. Some recent articles and book chapters include: “'A Real Fictional Depth': Transtexuality & Transformation in Robert Glück ‘s Margery Kempe.” Postmodern Poetry and Queer Medievalisms: Time Mechanics. New Queer Medievalisms Series. Ed. David Hadbawnik. Walter de Gruyter, 2022; “Sounding Out: Nathaniel Mackey’s Ontological Archive in Fugitive Run.” Journal of Narrative Theory, Vol 51 No 3, Fall 2021: 326-354; “’A Made Up Thing’ Full of Depth: The Queer Belonging of Robert Duncan and New Narrative." Sillages Critiques, December, 29, 2021.
Robin was the co-organizer for the seminar "New Narrative/New Poetries" at the Poetics (the Next) 25 Years Conference at the University at Buffalo in April 2016; her seminar paper for this conference is entitled “Not Resembling the Face in the Mirror: New Narrative, Race & Ethics.” She co-authored "Variations on a Theme: Teaching Claudia Rankin'es Citizen: An American Lyric," with Emily Abendroth, Karen Lepri, and Andrea Quaid, which appears in Albeit, 4.2 Special Issue on Black Lives Matter, September 2017; She has also published work on Camille Roy (Jacket2 2022). Harryette Mullen (MELUS Summer 2010 & Tripwire 2014), Joan Retallack (Aufgabe 2013), and others. An ardent fan of yoga, swimming, and strong coffee, Robin also serves as an associate for the Institute for Writing and Thinking at Bard College through which she facilitates workshops for high school and college teachers on the essay, writing and thinking, writing to learn, and writing and thinking with technology.