Maria Judnick
- Email: Contact Form
- Phone: 408-551-3941
- Location: St. Joseph's Hall, 305 Campus Map
Maria Judnick started teaching in SCU’s Department of English in 2013. With colleague Matt Driscoll, she created the award-winning ENVS 95 course which she teaches yearly. From June 2022 - July 2024, Maria worked for SCU’s Center for Sustainability, helping to write the university’s sustainability strategic action plan inspired by the papal encyclical "Laudato Si'". Maria has also been the recipient of several Teaching with Technology grants focused on SCU's multimodal projects. Maria enjoys lectoring at 10 AM Mass, helping at Letterpress events across campus, and presenting on films during the annual tUrn weeks held in October and April. She is currently a member of the community read selection committee and the new spiritual labyrinth working group.
Since 2008, she has served as the Project Coordinator for seven National Endowment for the Humanities summer institutes for teachers (three on John Steinbeck and four on the California Immigrant Experience). She also served for five and a half years at SJSU’s Writing Center where she edited a popular grammar blog, conducted video craft interviews with local and nationally-known writers, and ran social media and writing workshops for faculty and staff. Maria previously volunteered as the Social Media Editor for the EcoTheo Review and on the board of the Young Rhetoricians' Conference.
Maria enjoys sharing her flash fiction and poetry with several local reading series and has published in many different genres. Highlights include interviews with the writers Rebecca Solnit and Linda Spalding; essays in "The Critical Flame" and "Gemini" Magazines; 30+ blog posts for local PBS affiliate KQED; book reviews in "The HeavyFeather Review"; a multimodal article in "Kairos: A Journal of Technology, Pedagogy, and Rhetoric"; and a book chapter on John Steinbeck's work on the film "Lifeboat" for "Hitchcock and Adaptation: On the Page and Screen." Her first paid essay (on the importance of public education) was featured as part of an essay contest in "Time Magazine for Kids" when she was in second grade.
MFA in Creative Nonfiction from St. Mary's College of California
MA in English and Comparative Literature from San Jose State University
BA in English (Minors in Art History and Theology) from Loyola Marymount University
Critical Thinking and Writing Course Themes: California Dreams and Reality; Composing a Sustainable World; Education and Identity; Examining and Crossing Borders; Writing about Change
Advanced Writing Courses: Nonfiction Writing; Life Writing; Engineering Communications; English 107S: Sustainability: Stories and Film (cross-listed as COMM 137S: Sustainability and Film); Introduction to Religion and Literature
Environmental Studies Courses: ENVS 2A: Analyzing Green Rhetoric; Peer Education in Environmental Studies; ENVS 196A (now ENVS 95): Sustainability 101