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Computer Science & Mathematics, Theatre Arts


If you’ve ever enjoyed the original Pirates of the Caribbean, the Perfect Storm or Terminator 3, some of the cutting-edge special effects were made possible by none other than Masi Oka.

While he may be recognizable for his work on screen, it’s his contributions off the screen that have left a lasting impression in the imaginations of millions. Whether it’s as an actor, a coder or the founder of a video game development company. Masi Oka has made waves in the pop culture scene.


Masi Oka, born on December 27, 1974, in Tokyo, Japan, is a multi-talented individual who has made significant contributions to both the world of technology and entertainment. As his parents divorced within a month of his birth, he was raised by his mother, Setsuko Oka, in a single parent family. He was six years old when he and his mother moved to Los Angeles from Japan. Raised in Los Angeles, California, Oka's early passion for mathematics and programming set the stage for a unique journey.

After completing his secondary education, Oka attended Brown University, graduating with a BS in computer science and mathematics and a minor in theater arts. In 1993, while studying at Brown University, Masi joined ‘The Bear Necessities’, an all-male cappella group in the University and began spending his free time with them, becoming the group’s music director in his senior years.

Oka went on to work as a digital effects artist at Industrial Light & Magic, contributing to blockbuster films like "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace" and "War of the Worlds." Despite his success in the tech industry, Masi Oka's true breakthrough came when he decided to pursue his childhood dream of acting. His infectious energy and charisma landed him the iconic role of Hiro Nakamura in the television series "Heroes." Hiro, the time-manipulating Japanese character, quickly became a fan favorite, showcasing Oka's versatility as an actor. In addition to his entertainment pursuits, Masi Oka remains connected to his tech roots. Notably, he co-founded a tech company called Mobius Digital, showcasing his commitment to marrying his passion for technology and storytelling.

It's worth mentioning that Masi Oka's portrayal of Hiro Nakamura earned him a nomination for a Golden Globe Award. In an ironic twist of fate, the time-bending hero found himself in a moment frozen in time, standing among the stars of Hollywood.

In conclusion, Masi Oka's journey from a computer science whiz to a beloved actor exemplifies the limitless possibilities that come with embracing one's passions. Whether manipulating time on screen or delving into the intricacies of technology, Oka continues to inspire others to pursue their dreams with equal parts intellect and imagination.