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Janna Levin

English Literature, Theoretical Physics


Put your stereotypical socially awkward, isolated, and narrow-focused tropes aside because Janna Levin is anything but that. Enter ‘Scientific Controversies’ Janna Levin’s disco-vibe-eque office hours with packed rooms of scientists, artists and those who self-define as curious.

A staunch believer that ‘science is an intrinsic part of culture’’ Jenna Levin, blends the lines between her work as a writer and an astrophysicist seamlessly. She epitomizes the intersection of the sciences and the humanities, seeing them as different languages and modes that your brain can shift between.

Jenna Levin has contributed to the understanding of black holes, the cosmology of extra dimensions, and gravitational waves in the shape of spacetime. But just as importantly, she is a champion of both literature and astrophysics. Showing the world, that you don’t have to choose.


Janna Levin is a dynamic astrophysicist, author, and professor, known for her captivating contributions to the world of cosmology. Born in 1967 in the United States, Levin embarked on a journey through the cosmos, blending a passion for science with a talent for storytelling.

Levin's academic trajectory led her to earn a Bachelor of Arts in astronomy and physics with a concentration in philosophy at Barnard College in 1988. Then in 1993 a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from MIT, where she delved into the mysteries of black holes and the early universe. Her insatiable curiosity and innovative research approach garnered attention early in her career. As a professor of physics and astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University, Levin not only delves into the complexities of the universe but also imparts her enthusiasm for the subject to the next generation of scientists.

Beyond the academic realm, Janna Levin has become a prominent science communicator. Her engaging writing style is evident in her books, including "How the Universe Got Its Spots: Diary of a Finite Time in a Finite Space" and "Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space." In these works, she skillfully translates intricate scientific concepts into captivating narratives, making the wonders of the cosmos accessible to a wider audience.

In a delightful anecdote from her career, Levin once humorously remarked that understanding the universe is akin to solving a puzzle without all the pieces. Her ability to infuse humor into the vastness of space showcases her charismatic approach to science communication.

Janna Levin's multifaceted career exemplifies her commitment to unraveling the secrets of the cosmos while making the wonders of astrophysics enjoyable and accessible to all. Whether she's peering into the depths of a black hole or crafting compelling narratives, Levin continues to inspire both colleagues and enthusiasts alike.