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Theatre, Architecture


George Takei has put his star power to great use! Landing a ground-breaking role on Star Trek was only the beginning of Takei’s activism. Spurred by the injustices his family experienced during Japanese internment. George Takei has become a staunch human rights activist.

With over 9 million Facebook followers, and over 3 million X (formerly known as Twitter) followers, George Takei has used his platform and acclaim to amplify the voices of others. Having spent much of his life in the closet, George Takei came out in 2005, which he refers to as truly ‘finding his voice.’ He continues to use that voice to champion gay rights, and speak up for immigrants in the U.S.

Star trek was about acceptance, possibility and embracing diversity in all its forms. George Takei carries that legacy onward. Live long and prosper, George.


George Takei, born on April 20, 1937, in Los Angeles, California, is a trailblazing actor, author, and activist with a captivating life story. His journey began as the son of Japanese-American parents who, along with thousands of others, endured the internment camps during World War II. Despite this challenging start, Takei's resilience and determination propelled him to new heights. Takei's educational journey led him to the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied architecture and then later transferring to University of California, Los Angeles where he received his BA in theater in 1960, and then a Master’s degree in Theater in 1964. This diverse background laid the foundation for his future successes in both the entertainment industry and beyond.

Best known for his iconic role as Hikaru Sulu in the original "Star Trek" series, Takei's career in entertainment spans decades. His portrayal of Sulu, the helmsman of the USS Enterprise, broke new ground as one of the first positive depictions of an Asian character on American television. Beyond "Star Trek," Takei has been a prolific actor in film, television, and theater, showcasing his versatility and talent. In addition to his entertainment career, George Takei has become a prominent LGBTQ+ rights advocate and social justice activist. Openly gay, he has been a vocal supporter of equality and inclusion, using his platform to address important social issues.

As a fun anecdote, Takei is renowned for his humorous and engaging presence on social media. His witty commentary, often accompanied by the phrase "Oh myyy," has endeared him to a new generation of fans. Takei's online persona reflects

not only his sharp sense of humor but also his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. In conclusion, George Takei's remarkable journey from internment camps to the final frontier of space exploration has left an indelible mark on both the entertainment industry and the world at large. Through his talent, activism, and infectious humor, Takei continues to inspire and entertain, proving that a life lived with purpose and passion can truly make a lasting impact.