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Discover how the intersection of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities come together to activate and inspire groundbreaking and influential figures.

Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma

What do a cellist and anthropologist have in common? A love for humanity and what makes us tick.

Mae Jemison

Mae Jemison

Nothing says shoot for the stars more than becoming the first African American woman to go to space!

Brian May

Brian May

Shredding on the guitar and studying the dust of asteroids, Brian May has shown us that artistic and scientific thinking are more related than you’d think.

Abraham Verghese

Abraham Verghese

A self-subscriber to the Ministry of Healing, Abraham Verghese believes the patient’s story is the key to unlocking positive health outcomes.

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr

With a resume that includes Hollywood starlet and inventor: imagine what Hedy Lamar could have achieved if her beauty hadn’t stood in the way.

Masi Oka

Masi Oka

From in front of the camera to behind the camera, Masi Oka has made his mark in the imaginations across the world.



Dropping personal truths over rhythmic synths while professing musicality in the halls of academia, Sammus is proof in following your truth.

Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier

Widely known as the father of virtual reality, Jaron Lanier is now one of the internet’s most outspoken critics. Talk about a 180!

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik

Actor. Neuroscientist. Who better to host the iconic show, Jeopardy?

Shirley Ann Jackson

Shirley Ann Jackson

Advancing regulation around nuclear installations and inventing the tech behind caller i.D., Shirley Ann Jackson continues to keep us safe today.

George Takei

George Takei

George Takei is the ultimate Trekkie, fighting for acceptance for all while going boldly where no one has gone before!

Janna Levin

Janna Levin

Ever ponder the existence of extra dimensions or the mysteries of black holes in a speakeasy-esque setting? No? Then you haven’t mingled with Janna Levin.