Amelia A. Fuller
B.S. Davidson College, 2001
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 2006
organic, bioorganic chemistry
Aims to develop new methods for the synthesis and structural analysis of organic peptidomimetic-molecules for potential application as diagnostic agent, sensors, and therapeutics.
- Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (2017)
- Bernard Hubbard, S.J. Creative Collaboration Award (2016)
- Clare Boothe Luce Professorship (2008-2015)
- Cottrell Scholar, Research Corporation
- NSF Grant: "CAREER: Expanding the Structural Complexity and Functional Repertoire of Sequence-Specific Polyamide Oligomers." (2011-2016)
- The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Faculty Start-up Award (2008-2012)
- Research Corp for Science Advancement Cottrell College Science Award (2010-2012)
- SCU Center for Science, Technology, and Society Faculty Research Grant (2010-2011)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (2007-2008)
What attracted you to Santa Clara University?
I was impressed by the students I met with when I visited. They embrace the active research culture in the department to expand their learning outside of the classroom. Their successes reflect the commitment of the SCU faculty to integrate teaching and research.
Why did you choose to focus on your particular specialty/research project/field of interest?
I am interested in making molecules that are useful tools to probe biological processes. Bioorganic chemistry allows me to work on small molecule synthesis, but also to make use of those molecules in relevant biological contexts.
- Organic Chemistry I (Chem 31) Syllabus
- Organic Chemistry II (Chem 32)
- Organic Chemistry III (Chem 33)
Organic Chemistry Majors lab (CHEM 32L and CHEM 33L) - syllabus
Javed, J.M.*; Scukas, K.*; Nguyen, M.T.*; Fuller, A.A. Aromatic Residue Positioning Influences Helical Peptoid Structure in Aqueous Solution. Synlett 2024. doi: 10.1055/a-2238-5394
Wallace, S.R.*; Chihab, L.Y.*; Yamasaki, M.*; Yoshinaga, B.T.*; Torres, Y.M.*; Rideaux, D.*; Javed, Z.*; Turumella, S.*; Zhang, M.*; Lawton, D.R.*; Fuller, A.A.; Carter-O’Connell, I. Rapid Analysis of ADP-Ribosylation Dynamics and Site-Specificity Using TLC-MALDI. ACS Chem. Biol. 2021, 16, 2137-2143. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.1c00542
Fuller, A.A.; Moreno, J.L., Jr.*; Nguyen, M.T.* Using Fluorescence to Enable Innovative Functions of Foldamers. Israel Journal of Chemistry 2021, 61, 185-198. doi: 10.1002/ijch.202000109
Motevalli, S.; Nguyen, M.T.*; Tan, J.*; Fuller, A.A. Diverse N-Substituted Azole-Containing Amino Acids as Building Blocks for Cyclopeptides. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 1214-1220. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.9b03682.
†Landry, M.R.*; Rangel, J.L.*; Dao, V.P.*; MacKenzie, M.A.*; Gutierrez, F.L.*; Dowell, K.M.*; Calkins, A.L.*; Fuller, A.A.; Stokes, G.Y. Length and charge of water-soluble peptoids impact binding to phospholipid membranes. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2019, 123, 5822-5831. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b04641.
†Jimenez, C.J.*; Tan, J.*; Dowell, K.M.*; Gadbois, G.E.*; Read, C.A.*; Burgess, N.*; Cervantes, J.E.*; Chan, S.*; Jandaur, A.*; Karanik, T.*; Lee, J.J.*; Ley, M.C.*; McGeehan, M.*; McMonigal, A.*; Palazzo, K.L.*; Parker, S.A.*; Payman, A.*; Soria, M.*; Verheyden, L.*; Vo, V.T.*; Yin, J.*; Calkins, A. L.*; Fuller, A.A.; Stokes, G.Y. Peptoids advance multidisciplinary research and undergraduate education in parallel: Sequence effects on conformation and lipid interactions. Biopolymers 2019, e23256. doi: 10.1002/bip.23256
Special issue: Peptoids
†Fuller, A.A.; Huber, J.*; Jimenez, C.J.*; Dowell, K.M.*; Hough, S.*; Ortega, A.*; McComas, K.N.*; Kunkel, J.; Asuri, P. Solution effects on the self-association of a water-soluble peptoid, Biopolymers 2019 e23248. doi: 10.1002/bip.23248
Special issue: Peptoids
Fuller, A.A. Resourcing, Scalability and Sustainability of CUREs. In Expanding the CURE Model: Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience. Eds: Rory Waterman and Jen Heemstra. 2018, Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
Mohan, A.*; Calkins, A.L.*; Koh, AA. H.M.*; Gate, G.*; McComas, K.N.*; Fuller, A.A. Solid-phase synthesis of azole-comprising peptidomimetics and coordination of a designed analog to Zn2+, Molecules 2018, 23, 1035. doi: 10.3390/molecules23051035 Special issue:Solid Phase Synthesis
Fuller, A.A.; Huber, J.*; Tenorio, K.*; Hough, S.*; Dowell, K.M.* A Peptoid Supramolecular Host for Benzo[a]pyrene in Water. Supramolecular Chemistry 2018, 30, 336-344. doi: 10.1080/10610278.2017.1368513 Special issue: Women in Supramolecular Chemistry
Scott, W. L.; Samaritoni, J. G.; O’Donnell, M.J.; Dounay, A.B; Fuller, A.A.; Dave, P.S.; Sanchez, J.M.; Tiano, D.G.*; Rivera, D.G. Ernest Eliel Workshop – US and Cuba Collaboration in Chemistry Education and Neglected Disease Drug Discovery. In Stereochemistry and Global Connectivity: The Legacy of Ernest Eliel. Eds: H.N. Cheng, Cynthia A. Maryanoff, Bradley D. Miller, Diane Grob Schmidt. 2017, ACS Symposium Series Vol. 1257, pp. 63-94. doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1257.ch005
Heemstra, J.; Waterman, R.; Antos, J.; Beuning, P.; Bur, S.; Columbus, L.; Feig, A.; Fuller, A.; Gillmore, J.; Leconte, A.; Londergan, C.; Pomerantz, W.; Prescher, J.; Stanley, L. Throwing away the cookbook: implementing course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) in chemistry. In Educational and Outreach Projects from the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative. Eds: Rory Waterman, Andrew Feig. 2017 ACS Symposium Series Vol. 1248, pp. 33-63. doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1248.ch003
Calkins, A.L.; Yin, J.; Rangel, J.L.; Landry, M.R.; Fuller, A.A.; Stokes, G. Y. A Thermodynamic Description of the Adsorption of Simple Water-Soluble Peptoids to Silica. Langmuir, 2016, 32, 11690–11697.
Fuller, A.A. Combinatorial Solid-Phase Synthesis of Aromatic Oligoamides: A Research-Based Laboratory Module for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 2016, 93, 953-957.
Fuller, A.A.; Yurash, B. A.; Schaumann, E. N.; Seidl, F. J. "Self-Association of Water-Soluble Peptoids Comprising (S)-N-1-(Naphthylethyl)glycine Residues". Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 5118-5121.
Fuller, A.A.; Holmes, C.A.; Seidl, F.J. "A Fluorescent Peptoid pH Sensor". Biopolymers (Peptide Science),2013, 100, 380-386.
Fuller, A.A.; Seidl, F. J.; Bruno, P.A.; Plescia, M.A.; Palla, K.S. Use of the environmentally sensitive fluorophore 4-N,N-dimethylamino-1,8-naphthalimide to study peptoid helix structures. Peptide Science2011, 96, 627-638.
Pace, C.J.; Huang, Q.; Wang, F.; Palla, K.S.; Fuller, A.A.; Gao, J.A FlAsH-Tetracysteine Assay for Quantifying Orientation of Transmembrane a-Helices. Chembiochem 2011, 12, 1018-1022.
Fuller, A.A.; Du, D.; Liu, F.; Davoren, J.E.; Bhabha, G.; Kroon, G.; Case, D.A.; Dyson, H.J.; Powers, E.T.; Wipf, P.; Gruebele, M.; Kelly, J.W. "Evaluating b-Turn Mimics as b-Sheet Folding Nucleators."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2009
Aminoff, D.; Bochar, D.A.; Fuller, A.A.; Mapp, A.K.; Hollis, Showalter, H. D.H.; Kirchhoff, P.D. "Research into Selective Biomarkers of Erythrocyte Exposure to Organophosphorus Compounds." Analytical Biochemistry 2009, 392, 155-161.
Fuller, A.A.; Du, D.; Liu, F; Davoren, J.E.; Bhabha, G.; Kroon, G.; Case, D.A.; Dyson, H.J.; Powers, E.T.; Wipf, P.; Gruebele, M.; Kelly, J.W.; Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009, 106, issue 27, pp. 11067-11072
Liu, F.; Du, D.; Fuller, A.A.; Davoren, J.E.; Wipf, P.; Kelly, J. W.; Gruebele, M. “An experimental survey of the transition between two-state and downhill protein folding scenarios.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 2008, 105, 2369-2374.
Jäger, M.; Dendle, G.; Fuller, A.A.; Kelly, J.W. “A Trp-Trp pair mediated stabilization of a WW domain”Protein Science 2007, 16, 2306-2313.
Fuller, A.A.; Chen, B.; Minter, A. R.; Mapp, A. K. “Succinct Synthesis of b-Amino Acids via Chiral Isoxazolines.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 5376-5383.