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Department ofBiology

Students in the Biology program benefit from a wide range of educational experiences in the classroom, the laboratory, the field and in the tropics. Classes also focus on the ethics of modern biology and the recognition of key issues that arise in the curriculum.

The biology major prepares students for challenging careers and internships in the areas of biotechnology, education, health, and research.

Excellent academic advising, dedicated mentoring, and outstanding instruction demonstrate the Biology department's commitment to the students' intellectual and personal development.

About Our Program

The Department of Biology offers a program leading to the bachelor of science degree. The major provides students a solid foundation in the core concepts of modern biological thought, and provides students with critical skills to put concepts into practice. The biology major serves as a strong foundation for graduate, medical, or professional studies, as well as for careers in teaching, research, and business. Most courses emphasize laboratory or field work, and students are also encouraged to work with faculty on research projects. Most faculty members involve students in their research programs. Qualified students can obtain course credit for research by enrolling in BIOL 195, and for major research projects by enrolling in BIOL 198. Minor degrees in biology and related disciplines (biotechnology, biomedical engineering, public health, and environmental studies) are available. The Biology Department also offers the fundamental introductory curriculum for all of life science majors, as well as courses that satisfy the Natural Science and Science, Technology & Society requirements of the Core Curriculum, the latter of which are available to all University students who are curious about the nature of life. Numerous study abroad opportunities in the life sciences, both for biology majors and nonmajors, are available through the Study Abroad office.


Faculty & Staff

Department Chair
Academic Department Manager
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    Academic Department Manager

    408-554-4496 | Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation

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