Ph.D., Columbia University, Art History
M.A., University of New Mexico, Art History
B.A., Smith College, Art History
- ARTH 11A & 12A C&I Art of Contact: New World
- ARTH 25 Indigenous Visions: Intro to the Arts of the Americans
- ARTH 141 Tradition and Change in Native American Art: California and the Pacific Northwest
- ARTH 142 Native American Art: Special Topics
- ARTH 152 Arts of PreHispanic Mexico
- ARTH 185 Post-Modern and Contemporary Art

Shifting Grounds: Landscape in Contemporary Native American Art University of Washington Press, 2019
"This book offers a great deal to experts on contemporary Native art, as well as to scholars of global modern and contemporary arts who seek to learn more about this vibrant subdiscipline. With language that is both eloquent and accessible, Shifting Grounds is a significant contribution to art history in general, and Native American contemporary art criticism in particular." -Janet Catherine Berlo, professor of visual and cultural studies, University of Rochester

Native Art Now: Recent Developments in Contemporary Native American Art. Veronica Passalacqua and Kate Morris, editors. Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art, 2017.
Introduction: Twenty-five Years of Native American Art pdf
Introduction to Sculpture, Mixed Media and Installation Art pdf

Art Journal: Special Issue on Contemporary Indigenous Art v. 76, no. 2 (Summer 2017). Kate Morris and Bill Anthes, issue editors.
Indigenous Futures
Crash: Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Indigenous Art