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Career Center, Santa Clara University

Dive Into the Process

Career Prep Bootcamps

Career Prep Boot Camps 

3 Workshops + Industry Connection

Get ready for your job search in 4 short weeks!

Explore careers by industry and learn to articulate your strengths and experiences to an employer through your resume, LinkedIn profile, and elevator pitch. Over the course of four 90-minute sessions, you will walk away from the program with industry insight, contacts, and a strategy to find your next internship or job.

Week 1: Personality Assessment

Zero in on your strengths and interests to create a compelling elevator pitch

Week 2: Resume and LinkedIn Lab

Hone your resume and LinkedIn profile to start networking with industry professionals

Week 3: Industry Connection

Start using your newly developed elevator pitch to connect with a potential employer at a panel and networking event

Week 4: Internship/Job Search

Synthesize your learnings and develop a personalized internship/job search strategy

Previous career prep boot camp themes:

  • Job Search Strategies for Seniors
  • Careers for the Common Good
  • Freshman/Sophomore Internships
  • High Tech
  • Green Careers
  • Startup
  • Healthcare
  • Nonprofit

Participating companies via visits and panels:

Adobe Logo

Hortonworks Logo

The Mountain Winery Logo

Tesla Logo

Google Logo

Guidebook Logo

EA Logo

HealthTrust Logo

Kaiser Permanente Logo

Jesuit Volunteer Corps Logo

Downtown Streets Team Logo

EPA Logo

Peace Corps Logo

Lucille Packard Foundation Logo

Disney Interactive Logo

Stitch Fix Logo

Better Logo

San Jose Logo

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I have a complete resume, LinkedIn profile, elevator speech, and profound confidence that I am capable of finding and performing well in a job in healthcare.
-Career Prep Boot Camp Participant
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The whole boot camp was beyond helpful and so valuable in the information it gave me.
-Career Prep Boot Camp Participant
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Boot Camp Calendar
Upcoming Bootcamp dates TBD