Undergraduate Marketing Association (UMA) Upcoming Event

Santa Clara University Undergraduate Marketing Association
Calling all students to participate in a fun, informative marketing event with special guest Monique (Smith) Aguirre!
This Recruiter Workshop event will expose students to different paths of marketing and gain real-world insight into the field. From resume tips to networking opportunities (and food, of course), the event invites students to bring their creativity, experience, and friends to this recruiter workshop. All majors welcomed!
Monique Smith Aguirre
As an SCU alumni (class of 2016), Monique possesses a strong sense of marketing throughout her career. She has previously gained experience from Meta, Tesla, San Francisco 49ers, and even Santa Clara University! Monique continues to pursue her interests as a Resource Manager at Ontra. Come by to hear Monique’s incredible journey and ask any questions!
Reserve your spot here!