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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University

Internal Transfer Process

Run once per year during spring quarter, the internal-transfer application process is a way for Santa Clara University students in the College of Arts & Science or the School of Engineering to transfer into the Leavey School of Business.

The 2024 Internal Transfers Application is now CLOSED.
For questions, please contact

Although we would like to admit every student who is interested in the business school, the Leavey School of Business has enrollment limitations and so we must restrict the number of internal transfers.

Given the limited number of spaces, it is also important to understand the following regarding the process:
  1. Students at any level of undergraduate study may apply (First Year Student, Sophomore, Junior, Senior).
  2. Class status (First Year Student, Sophomore, etc) is determined by quarters of attendance not by units.
  3. No specific coursework is required.
  4. Internal transfer students may find that additional quarter(s) of study beyond four years may be needed to complete their course of study due to later entry into the Leavey School of Business.
  5. Students may apply once per year.
  6. Some students not admitted through the internal transfer process may be waitlisted until the start of the next academic year.
  7. Information and decisions regarding the process will be communicated by your SCU email.
  8. All decisions regarding internal transfers are final.
How to apply for an internal transfer into the Leavey School of Business

The application process occurs once per year, with applications typically opening in early March and closing in early April. In order to apply, students must:

  1. Have a minimum SCU cumulative GPA of 3.00.
  2. Complete and submit a Leavey School of Business internal transfer application by the stated deadline.
  3. As part of the application process, complete and submit a 2 page written response.
  4. Have completed a minimum of 2 quarters of full-time enrollment (12 units per quarter) in residence at time of application (Only one quarter is required for external transfer students).
Preparing to transfer

Students who plan to apply to the School of Business in the spring may be asking what classes to take in preparation. While there are no course requirements to apply to the Leavey School of Business for Internal Transfer, the following is a list of courses which will satisfy requirements in both the University and Business core:

  • Critical Thinking and Writing 1 and 2
  • MATH 30 and 31 or MATH 11 and 12
  • Cultures and Ideas 1 and 2
  • 2nd language (Required to 2nd course for business students – e.g. SPAN 2)
  • ECON 1 (social science)
  • PHIL 6 (ethics)
  • Three Religion, Theology and Culture courses
  • Diversity
  • Arts
  • Natural Science

Students may also want to consider a business minor, and may wish to review the requirements for the available business-related minors: Business Analytics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Management Information Systems, Real Estate, Retail Studies, Sustainable Food Systems. However, students should not pick up a minor to be allowed to enroll in restricted business classes. Students should only declare a minor which they intend to complete even if they do not get accepted in the school as a major.

Timeline for Process (2023-2024)
Monday, March 11th
: Applications Available 
Sunday, April 7th at 11:59 PM: Application Deadline
Friday, May 3rd: Notifications of selection sent
Monday, May 6th: Response to accept by students due
Tuesday, May 7th: Mandatory Advising Session

If you have any questions, please email the Undergraduate Business Programs Office at


General FAQ

What if my cumulative GPA is below 3.0? Historically, students with a cumulative GPA below 3.0 have not been accepted into the application process, unless there are extremely extenuating circumstances which you can write about on the application. We would encourage students to work hard to increase their GPA and then apply the following year.

How many people apply per year and what is the acceptance rate? We usually receive 85-90 applications per year and we accept 25-30 students. This would mean the acceptance rate is around 30%.

Do I need to submit a resume or letter of recommendation? If either document is submitted, it will be put into a side folder and the selection committee will never see it. Your selection will strictly depend on the required application materials mentioned above.

Are there any suggestions for the essay on the application?  Yes - make sure to follow the prompts about the formatting and the information that the prompts are asking for. Please do not include your name anywhere in your essay, only your student ID. You should talk about personal experiences in your essay and make it specific to you. Provide, examples, stories, and thoughts in relation to the prompt.

Who should I contact with questions? The Undergraduate Business Programs Office: