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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University

Course Spotlights

BUSN 70: Contemporary Business Issues

BUSN 70 is an introductory business course with the emphasis on the objectives of the contemporary business firm and its relationship to the modern business environment.  As an incoming student, you will be given opportunities to learn directly from seasoned Silicon Valley executives about the nature, structures, and objectives of how to properly operate a contemporary business and to be inspired by their tremendous passion towards the subject.  "To this day, BUSN 70 is one of my favorite classes that I have taken. The professors are all accomplished and are willing to aid students academically and professionally", says Max Campos, one of the BUSN 70 Peer Educators.

“BUSN 70 really opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of a business degree from the Leavey School of Business," said Nicole Kim, a Peer Educator for the course. "You’ll learn the foundations of anything and everything in business from preparing financial statements to fostering a company culture."

Part of the BUSN 70 curriculum is a business simulation called MikesBikes.  Professor Tim Harris describes the project as "a comprehensive business simulation that is interesting, complex and challenging. It is a great way to experience many of the aspects of running a business and making critical strategic and tactical business decisions (such as price, product, marketing, capacity, etc), without the potential real life downside. It is a favorite experience for many of the students.”

Max Campos also reflects on his MikesBikes experience saying, "MikesBikes is a simulation in which you run your own bicycle company. You begin in single-player, where one can refine their skills and better understand the simulation. Then, you join a team and compete with the whole class (this happens to be my favorite part of the quarter)."