2023-2024 Presidents Council
The Women's Network
The Women's Network
Marketing Major and Ethnic Studies Minor
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Hometown: San Francisco, California
The Women’s Network is the largest collegiate women’s networking organization in the nation, focused on connecting collegiate and recently graduated women to each other and to leaders across many industries.
I joined my club to become part of a revolutionizing network that cultivates ambition, celebrates the voices of all womxn which are often overlooked, and empowers us to become the next generation of leaders.
There is no greater sisterhood than The Women’s Network here on this campus. As our vice president, I love learning about our different lived experiences, hearing about our future ambitions and goals, and serving as an outright support system for all womxn, especially those whose intersectionalities have created even greater barriers than womxn already face, like I myself have had to endure. So, join TWN to become part of this empowering organization; I will not let your voice go unheard!