Pearl Pham: College Tips 101

As I reflect on my own college experience, I've come to realize that certain lessons and insights can be truly invaluable. In this blog post, I'll share some personal tips and wisdom gained from my journey through higher education. From mastering time management to embracing discomfort and thriving in the fast-paced quarter system, to prioritizing physical and mental well-being, these lessons have been pivotal in my college years.
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the art of time management. When I first stepped onto campus as a wide-eyed freshman, I made the common mistake of spreading myself too thin. I wanted to be a part of everything, and it seemed like I was juggling a million things at once. But it didn't take long for me to realize that I couldn't do it all. So, I learned to prioritize my involvements and specialize in some extracurriculars over others. This decision was a game-changer. I gained invaluable knowledge in leadership positions and invested my time into specific involvements that truly mattered to me.
College is not just about academic growth; it's also a time for personal development. I entered college as a timid, shy person with little professional experience. However, the freedom and diversity of opportunities in college fueled my desire to push myself within the workforce. I learned to step out of my comfort zone, explore different fields, and expand my horizons. This self-discovery has been a transformative experience, helping me determine where I want to position myself long-term.
For many students, the quarter system can be intimidating. It moves at a rapid pace, leaving little room for procrastination. The key to thriving in this system is to set yourself up for success from Day 1. Take the time to read the syllabus for each class and thoroughly understand the expectations for the quarter. Don't be afraid to seek help; the Drahmann Center and professors' office hours are super helpful resources. And remember, classes are way more enjoyable when you form a study group to keep each other accountable.
Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is crucial during your college years. The "college cold" is a real thing, so make sure to load up on DayQuil and practice good hygiene. Additionally, give yourself sufficient rest, especially during exam season, and stay active by walking on campus or working out. Malley is a great place to keep your body in shape while running into friends or making new ones! More importantly, prioritize self-care. College life can be a whirlwind of events, but remember that your body is an investment that deserves care.
Remember that college is not just about getting a degree; it's about becoming a better version of yourself. So, savor every moment, make meaningful connections, and enjoy this transformative journey.