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Darius Johnson: Why Getting Involved is the Most Important Thing

Why Getting Involved is the Most Important Thing


Peer Career Consultant 2021-22

Getting involved in clubs, plays, sports or Greek life expands our ability to create awesome experiences, learn tangible skills, actually participate in something we are passionate about, and meet new people that can have a large impact on our lives. Getting involved is not just important, but probably the most important thing you can do in college. Here’s why:

Getting involved leads to doing what you actually want to do:
Outside of the classroom you are in control of where you spend your time and what topics you want to deep dive into. Imagine you have a passion for TED talks and have watched every single talk you can think of and  maybe even recite one or two. There is an organization for you to share that passion and get involved with others who love ideas worth spreading just like you through TEDxSantaClaraUniversity. You care about sharing ideas, diving into interesting topics and organizing events. Getting involved provides the access point to learn and develop through organizations that align with the things you care about. 

Getting involved leads to meeting new people:
Joining a group of people that share your interests and passions opens up opportunities to connect with exciting people who you can learn with. Like-minded individuals that may become your friends, connection to a cool opportunity, or maybe a conversation that can open your eyes to a new topic you never knew existed. Imagine you join a professional business fraternity and you have a conversation with someone who’s a marketing genius and they help break down the world of marketing for you. You used to think marketing was making graphic designs for events, until you learned marketing encompasses consumer research, strategic positioning, product knowledge, business analytics and so much more. All from a conversation because you got involved.

Getting involved leads to the next chapter of your life:
We all hear about the importance of building your network and getting ready for “that next chapter in your life” a.k.a your career. Getting involved is a terrific way to build lasting relationships and leverage your unique experience and impact in interviews. Imagine you joined the Santa Clara Investment Fund and literally had no idea how to start the process for recruiting in the tech industry. Then, the fund hosts an exclusive event for members to speak to representatives from Google, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, and others. Now you have a direct resource to learn more and start connecting with these companies. 

Getting involved leads to some of the best college experiences:
Cool events, amazing trips, and empowering conferences. Getting involved is a great way to build awesome experiences while in college. Imagine you join Into the Wild and go on an outdoor adventure that is transformational. Now you understand that your true purpose on this planet is to travel everywhere you can and explore life around the world. What a life changing experience that would be. All you have to do is get involved. 

If you have any internship or career search questions, please email

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