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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


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Jenna Solis
Jenna Solis
Finance Major
San Jose, California

Areas of Interest at SCU and LSB: I am extremely interested in pursuing my passion for analytical thinking in Finance and Business Analytics. Across SCU, I am interested in learning more about what makes a strong leader and how this can be used throughout my professional career. I am working towards this goal through getting involved in various organizations inside and out of LSB.

What are your SCU and LSB activities/general hobbies: I have become very involved with the Associated Student Government, initially serving as a class senator and committee chair. I now serve as the Student Body Vice President. I have been fortunate to get involved with various programs within the business school including LSB Peer Advisors, LSB Ambassadors, the Finance Association, and Undergraduate Marketing Association. Most recently, I have been appointed to serve as the executive member for the Sophomore Peer Advisor team. I also serve as the Marketing and Communications specialist within the Alumni Association. I am passionate about making SCU a better place, which is why I have immersed myself in many different facets of SCU.

What internship/employment opportunities have you taken advantage of at LSB?  Internships were something I was intimidated by when coming to SCU. After taking MGMT 50, which is a class dedicated to help you with the internship search, I felt much more secure in this process. Once I learned about networking and how to create an impactful resume, I utilized these skills to receive several internships. In Summer 2022, I served as a Content Marketing Intern at Palo Alto Networks. I look forward to working at Cisco in the Summer of 2023 as a Financial Analyst Intern. Without LSB, I do not believe I would have had the knowledge and skills to gain such an amazing opportunity.

Favorite LSB Class and Why? BUSN 85 (Business Law) was one of the most challenging, but rewarding classes I have ever taken. We had three separate assignments that all required many hours outside of class to research and complete. This class required me to hold myself accountable and learn important time management skills. Not to mention, I was being taught by an incredible professor who was experienced and passionate about the class material. I left this class feeling that I not only learned more about law within the business world, but also how to use my time wisely and balance different responsibilities.

What made you choose to attend LSB?  Growing up in Silicon Valley, I have been inspired by the many business leaders surrounding me. I knew that Santa Clara, and LSB in particular, could not only offer me an incredible education, but also amazing opportunities post graduation. The small class sizes, numerous resources to help build professional skills, and accessible professors proved to me that LSB truly cares for each of their students. Since beginning my undergraduate education at Santa Clara, I have felt very confident in my college decision. I know that whenever I have a question or need help, there is always someone there for me.

What advice you wish you had while applying to college?  When looking at various colleges, pay close attention to whether you feel that you can prosper in that specific environment. Understand more about what that college can offer you in the long-run, rather than just the 4 short years you will be taking classes. Choose the school that you feel the most yourself at. And ultimately, don't stress too much about the whole process. You will end up right where you belong!