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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


A person smiling in a professional headshot.
Laura Darza
Laura Darza
Management Information Systems Major
Retail Studies & Sustainability Minors
Cebu, Philippines

Areas of Interest at SCU and LSB: 
I love that LSB’s core curriculum makes its students take classes for all the different majors in the business school. This has helped me figure out my own major and has allowed me to gain knowledge in a holistic way.

What are your SCU and LSB activities/general hobbies: 
Within SCU, I’m part of Alpha Kappa Psi - a co-ed professional business fraternity that fosters a community of brotherhood, service, and professionalism.  It’s been great having peers within the different schools of SCU that are always motivating me and helping me navigate not only my college career but my professional one.  Another organization that has helped me grow professionally is Santa Clara Consulting.  Being able to work with like-minded individuals that work with companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 has given me the opportunity to apply what I learn in the classroom to real-life.  Outside of LSB, I love playing tennis and soccer, going to the beach, and trying new restaurants around the area.

What global experiences have you had in college? 
Being an international student entering an environment unlike my own has given me the opportunity to meet individuals from all walks of life. Every organization that I have joined has pushed me to learn more about people’s backgrounds and experiences and has allowed me to share my own experience as well.

What internship/employment opportunities have you taken advantage of at LSB?
I’ve been able to work for LSB as a peer advisor that allows me to work with incoming first-year students to provide them with better insight into what their college career is going to be like.

Favorite LSB Class and Why? 
Feminist Approach to Disability taught by Joanna Nunez. I took this class to fulfill my diversity requirement, but I left learning so much more knowledge and readiness to apply what I learned to real life. Because of this class I applied to be a Program Coordinator for SCCAP.

What made you choose to attend LSB? 
I’ve always been interested in the dynamics of business, but I never really had a clear grasp of what side of business I wanted to be on. LSB allowed me to and more. dabble in all its different aspects - from marketing, finance, management, and more.  Me dipping into each one gave me the opportunity to figure out what I’m interested in and what careers I would like to have in the future.

What advice you wish you had while applying to college? 
You have to look at each school in a holistic way whether that be class sizes, location, organizations, people, professors. Basing your decision on one factor alone can make you miss out on all the other opportunities a college can provide you with.