Marina Menendez: Planning Ahead: Post Graduation

This quarter, being my second to last here at SCU has allowed me to experience a range of emotions. As the excitement of graduation builds, the anxiety of what is to come also grows as each week passes. This quarter was dedicated to trying to solidify my post-graduation plans. That being said, I have secured a position this fall with Apple as an incoming Financial Development Program participant. This program is rotational for two years, with a financial analyst position being offered afterward. Many of my coworkers who experienced the internship with me came together and amongst us all, we have decided to live in San Francisco and make the commute to Cupertino together.
Having spent the last 4 years in the South Bay, the prospect of being able to experience life in the city is very appealing. I have no doubt entering the corporate world will bring its own challenges but I wholeheartedly believe that the lessons and skills I’ve gained here at SCU have equipped me to be able to overcome any of the challenges I’ll encounter. All in all, I am ready to embrace the last weeks I have left in college and I am becoming excited for the adventures that await me as I make my way north post-graduation.