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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University

Anna Morris: Being a TA for One More Time

During my time at SCU, I have had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for BUSN 70, Contemporary Business Issues. It is a class that all first-year business students take their very first quarter at the Leavey School of Business (LSB). Starting my sophomore year, I have done this job each quarter and I have loved every minute of it.


LSB Ambassador, Anna Morris Head Shot

During my time at SCU, I have had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for BUSN 70, Contemporary Business Issues. It is a class that all first-year business students take their very first quarter at the Leavey School of Business (LSB). Starting my sophomore year, I have done this job each quarter and I have loved every minute of it. Its been a great way to give back to the SCU community because being a TA is not just about helping with classroom material. Often students will ask you questions about life at SCU, particularly within the business school. So, it has given me the opportunity to get to know the students and help make the LSB feel like home. SCU is not just a school, but a community that helps students along their academic journey through mentorships and friendships. It is a place where students can design their own path to determine what they want to do in the future and BUSN 70 furthers this mission along. It creates an environment where students can learn an overview of the main areas of business, which aids them in determining what they might want to study.

This quarter has been my last quarter as a TA and it saddens me because being a TA has been a light in my time as SCU. It allowed me to learn more about the school and how it works while teaching me lessons about myself. I am going to miss it, but I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to hold this position for so long. In many ways, I cannot believe that the time has come to say goodbye to this part of my journey at SCU, but I know that through this position I have learned new skills that will aid me in the future. I learned better time management by not waiting until the last minute to grade exams, how to lead large meetings of 80 students, and the importance of timely responses through email and texts. Especially, during the transition into online schooling, the lessons I have learned by being a TA have come in handy. During this past quarter, I have learned how valuable time management skills are because online classes required me to create my own schedule. This was similar to one aspect of being a TA, grading exams. I had to create my own schedule of when I would grade so that it would be spaced out and not overwhelming. Learning how to create a successful schedule for grading exams, allowed me to then transfer those skills into building a daily schedule for online classes. So, as this part of my journey comes to an end, I am grateful for all the lessons it has taught me and how it allowed me to give back to a school that has given me so much. 

Leavey Ambassadors Program Blogs 2020-2021