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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University

Leavey Ambassadors Program Blogs

Nick Mansour, Focusing in at LSB

My name is a Nick Mansour, I am currently a sophomore and I am studying Finance at the Leavey School of Business. The business school has provided me with tons of great opportunities and connections not only here on campus but all around the valley.

Two people standing on rocky terrain with a scenic canyon view.

My name is a Nick Mansour, I am currently a sophomore and I am studying Finance at the Leavey School of Business. The business school has provided me with tons of great opportunities and connections not only here on campus but all around the valley. But one experience I want to focus on is Mike’s Bikes which is a business simulation that anyone taking BUSN 70, the intro business class must take. Mike’s Bikes is something that as a business school you will hear about almost immediately after coming to campus. Every business student that is above you years wise will be buzzing with all sorts of information about the program. And it's for a good reason I loved the program and the experience it provided me. The base of the program is that you are a bike producer and you are competing against a rival bike producer, in the single player mode. You and the computer make decisions that affect your shareholder value and it becomes a competition throughout the class to see who will come up with the highest value. The part that I thought was awesome though was the multiplayer mode, where everyone in the class gets into groups and competes against each other. Every decision you make will have direct impacts on the other peoples performance and vise versa. This part of the project really confirmed for me that I wanted my major to be in the business school. I loved the competition and the atmosphere. Working with my group was great and I am still close with all of the people in my group. So in the fall when you start hearing about mikes bikes don’t worry about it at all. It will be a great time, hopefully make you want to pursue business even more and is a great way to meet the people in your class. 


Leavey Ambassadors Program Blogs 2019-2020