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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


LSB Community Fellows 2019-20
Josephine H. Schultz
2019-2020 Fellow,
Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits - Public Policy

What were your responsibilities at your internship with Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits, SVCN
As the policy intern, I participated in candidate forum on housing affordability, advocated for Measure E on the San Jose ballot and tracked grants.  I also helped organize the annual fundraiser, “Be Our Guest”.   My other responsibilities included researching and communicating information and importance of the 2020 Census, as well as researching virtual fundraising.   I also helped communicate and survey the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits.

In what ways do you think you made positive contributions to SVCN?
I believe I contributed to SVCN through the additional research I was able to accomplish which was later shared with their nonprofit clients. My research included: grant requirements, COVID-19 impacts and legal changes, effective fundraising, ballot measure breakdowns, Census importance and information, housing affordability in Silicon Valley, and more. I also was able to attend additional events and share what I learned with staff. I helped with the requests of my other coworker in departments such as training and HR. 

What would you recommend to LSB students who want to make a difference in the community?
I would recommend to the next Community Fellows, who are trying to make a difference, to use their research to be advocates inside and outside of their workplace. The needs nonprofits address reach beyond the needs of the SVCN office. Apply what you learned to your everyday life and be an advocate for others everywhere you go.