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New York 2024

The New York trip was held in early January 2024. Over the course of three days, students participated in various interactive activities that enhanced their learning experience.

Day 1 Overview

One of the standout moments was the visit to the Apple Flagship store on 5th Avenue, coordinated by one of our Board members, Kris Bazan. Students had the rare opportunity to connect with senior leaders and store team members, learning about the store’s history, recruitment strategies, marketing, merchandising, and sales. The experience was enriching, with students actively engaging in discussions and getting their questions answered on a range of topics.




On the same day, students participated in the "Tours and Talk" session hosted by the NRF Student Program. They visited employers such as Kohl’s, Target, Tiffany & Co., Burlington, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Macy’s, Nordstrom, PetSmart, Ross, and UNIQLO. This exclusive session, available only to a limited number of students, provided an interactive platform for learning and networking. Many students found these sessions incredibly valuable and were also invited to evening happy hour events hosted by UNIQLO, Kohl’s, and other employers.



The visit to the Apple Flagship store was undoubtedly the highlight of the day for every student. The collaboration of Apple’s team, paired with their exemplary leadership, played a pivotal role in showcasing exceptional skills during the leadership panel, leaving a lasting impression on the students.

Day 2 Overview

The core of the trip was the three-day NRF Student Program held at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. This program is renowned for connecting students with the brightest minds in the retail industry, offering a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Students remained engaged throughout, finding the speakers inspiring and the sessions enriching. The well-organized itinerary ensured they were able to secure good seats and maximize their experience.



Among the many industry leaders they heard from, the executive leaders from Lululemon, PetSmart, and Sam Edelman left a particularly lasting impression on the students.

Day 3 Overview

On the following day, students participated in a Mentorship session, where they had the opportunity to interact with peers from across the United States and engage with various mentors who rotated among the tables. This session allowed students to ask questions, learn about the mentors’ career journeys, and gain valuable insights.

Later that afternoon, juniors, seniors, and graduate students attended a Career Fair featuring over 40 employers. They connected with numerous companies, with some students securing invitation-only interviews for the next day.



The interactive Mentorship session stood out as a significant highlight, offering students a unique chance to gain personalized advice from experienced mentors. Additionally, the Career Fair proved to be a crucial moment for many, with several students earning exclusive interview opportunities, marking a key milestone in their career journeys.


Overall, the trip to New York City was an invaluable experience, offering students a comprehensive view of the retail industry from multiple perspectives. Through their participation in the NRF Student Program and visits to prominent retailers, students gained a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the retail sector. They returned home inspired, equipped with new knowledge, skills, and connections that will undoubtedly contribute to their future careers in retail. This trip not only broadened their academic horizons but also provided them with the practical tools and experiences necessary to thrive in a fast-evolving industry.