Michele Samorani
Michele Samorani is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems & Analytics, and the Program Director of the Master of Science in Information Systems.
His research combines machine learning and optimization techniques to build decision support systems that improve companies’ business processes and information flow. His areas of research include machine learning and racial disparity in medical scheduling, relational data mining, text mining, and metaheuristic optimization.
Several of his projects were carried out in collaboration with several organizations, such as a healthcare organization dedicated to Black women, a nonprofit mental health center, a community legal center, and a pharmaceutical company.
Michele’s research has been published in top outlets in Information Systems, Operations Management, and Operations Research, such as MIS Quarterly, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and Decision Support Systems, and was featured in top-tier media and included in a United Nations report.
Personal webpage: www.samorani.com
May 2021