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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


A person in a black suit standing against a white background.

A person in a black suit standing against a white background.

Anne Hiller : Farsight Security Expands Executive Team to Accelerate Company Growth

Alumna Anne Hiller MBA '87 has been named senior director of strategic partnerships at Farsight Security, Inc.


A person in a black suit standing against a white background.

Alumna Anne Hiller MBA ’87 has been named senior director of strategic partnerships at Farsight Security, Inc., as a part of the company’s expansion of its technical and business teams to build on a record-breaking first quarter. Farsight Security is the world’s largest real-time DNS threat intelligence provider.

“Anne, Daniel and Tony are proven industry leaders and I am delighted to have them join Farsight. On the business side, Anne and Tony will help drive revenue for the company and build new relationships with partners and commercial and government organizations who want to consume our data. Organizations around the world increasingly are using our valuable DNS data to identify and protect against the latest cyberattacks,” said Dr. Paul Vixie, CEO and Cofounder of Farsight Security, Inc. in a recent press release.

Read the full press release here»

LSB Newsmakers, LSB Alumni, LSB, MBA