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Santa Clara Leavey School of Business homepage
Department ofManagement & Entrepreneurship

Academic Programs

You can choose to major in management, or supplement a different major with a minor in International Business or Entrepreneurship.

As a management student, you will gain a broad perspective of the challenges faced by business today, and develop the skills and abilities needed to become a leader in successful organizations, large or small.

You will develop an appreciation for teamwork as well as an understanding of how a globalized workplace demands new approaches to problem-solving. With a focus on rigorous analysis and managerial applications, courses will help you examine a number of factors that affect both individual and organizational performance, including:

  • How to develop interpersonal and managerial competencies
  • How to provide leadership in both stable and temporary organizations
  • How to design organizations that respond to market demands
  • How to develop organizations that can operate in complex social, political, ethical and technological environments (both domestic and international)

Major Requirements

All students wishing to major in management through the Leavey School of Business must complete both the University core curriculum requirements and the Leavey School of Business core requirements for the bachelor of science in commerce. In addition, students must complete the following departmental requirements: 

Course Units Description
MGMT 174 5 Units Social Psychology of Leadership
Four of the following courses    
MGMT 110 5 Units Global Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development
MGMT 164 5 Units Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MGMT 165 5 Units Building a Business
MGMT 166 5 Units Human Resource Management
MGMT 167 5 Units Venture Capitalist Essentials
MGMT 168 5 Units Entrepreneurship and the Public Sector
MGMT 169 5 Units  Business and Public Policy 
MGMT 170 5 Units  International Management
MGMT 171 5 Units  Managerial Communication
MGMT 172 5 Units  Social Entrepreneurship
MGMT 173 5 Units  Resources, Food, and the Environment  
MGMT 175 5 Units  Flourishing at Work
MGMT 177 5 Units Globalization and the Cultures of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
MGMT 178 5 Units Business and Human Rights
MGMT 179 5 Units  Project Management
MGMT 180 5 Units Negotiation Skills in Business
MGMT 181 5 Units Conscientious Capitalism
MGMT 197 5 Units  Special Topics in Management 
MGMT 198 1-5 Units  Internship/Practicum
MGMT 199 1-5 Units  Directed Reading/Directed Research
MGMT 198E 5 Units Entrepreneurship Internship


Find the international business minor requirements here

The minor in international business is designed to educate students in a broad range of management and business skills in a global context. The program includes coursework in language, social science, and international business and is open to all undergraduate students. The minor provides students with an understanding of the social, economic, and political context of international business, the language communication skills, and the business skills to be effective managers in a global marketplace. Students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program or internship to complement this minor.

Find the entrepreneurship minor requirements here.

If you're interested in either developing a business or working in a startup with the chance to explore entrepreneurship as a career option and acquire the skills that can help them be successful.

Students completing the entrepreneurship minor will develop an understanding of the venture creation process including how to generate and develop a new business concept, apply quantitative and qualitative methods and analytical tools to identify and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, use data and analysis to create and evaluate a business plan, and evaluate different funding sources for a new venture. A critical element of the program is an internship working with an emerging for-profit startup or socially-beneficial organization to develop an in-depth case study of the venture and founders, formal business plan or growth plan.

The entrepreneurship minor is open to all students via an application process through the Management Department. Accepted business school students may begin the minor courses after they have completed 60 units. For students outside the business school, prerequisites for MGMT 164 should ideally be completed in the sophomore year. International students MUST contact the Global Engagement Office for information on internship eligibility.

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