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Department ofFinance

Sarin, Atulya

Atulya Sarin

Professor, Finance

Atulya Sarin is Professor of Finance in the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. He received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering (1982), an M.B.A. in Finance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1988), and a Ph.D. in Finance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1992).

As a member of the SCU finance faculty, Dr. Sarin has taught a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses, including International Finance, Investments, Corporate Finance, Business Valuation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Financial Institutions, Financial Management, Private Company Valuation, Managing to IPO, Ethics in Finance, and Commercial Banking. He has won numerous academic honors and awards, including the Dean’s Award for Research and Award for Extraordinary Performance multiple times, and PACAP Competitive Research Award. Dr. Sarin has also been awarded numerous research grants at SCU, including the Presidential Research Grant.

Dr. Sarin has published Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, a textbook on international finance, as well as more than 25 scholarly articles. His articles have been published in leading finance, economics, and management journals, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Applied Finance, Journal of Financial Research, and Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. In addition, Dr. Sarin has presented numerous papers on a variety of subjects in the field of financial economics at conferences in the U.S. and Europe. He has served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Financial Research and as Referee for numerous professional finance publications, including Financial Management, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Pacific Basin Research Journal, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Applied Business Research, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics. He is a member of the American Finance Association, the European Finance Association, the Financial Management Association, and the Western Finance Association.

Dr. Sarin has consulted for the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Alabama Department of Revenue, and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency; as well as for numerous firms and banks. His consulting activities include serving as an expert witness and managing a variety of consulting and litigation support assignments involving the analysis of various aspects of financial markets and securities such as stock and bond prices, derivatives, corporate valuation, economic substance of transactions between related parties, transfer pricing, and mergers and acquisitions.

January 2018