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Graduate students

CFIE Graduate Students

Center for Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship MBA Concentration

The Center for Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers a number of programs that prepare students for careers in the food and agribusiness industry. Our premier program is the Food Entrepreneurship Concentration as part of the MBA degree in the Leavey School of Business.

Since 1973, the Center has awarded over 1000 of these specialized degrees. Our alumni work in all aspects of the food industry in California and worldwide. For a sampling of the firms employing our alumni, visit our links to alumni firms. To find out how to apply to the MBA program click on the Admissions tab.

In addition to the specialization in food and agribusiness management, the CFIE offers an executive training program in July and custom management education programs for a number of client organizations.

CFIE Infographic
CFIE Food Entrepreneurship Concentration

Read CFIE Infographic here

MBA Students Required Courses

The Center for Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship offers a number of programs that prepare students for careers in the food business industry. Our premier program is the Food Entrepreneurship Concentration in the MBA program in the Leavey School of Business.

Since 1973, the Center has awarded over 1000 of these specialized degrees. Our alumni work in all aspects of the food industry in California and worldwide. For a sampling of the firms employing our alumni, visit our links to alumni firms. To find out how to apply to the MBA program click on the Admissions tab. 

Focuses on the key issues and management decisions necessary to effectively lead food and agribusiness firms in the competitive, global food system. Includes topics on the principal regulations and regulatory bodies governing the food industry, food safety, and crisis management, ethical issues in food production and distribution, and resource and environment issues. (4 units) Prerequisite: MGMT 505 

MGMT 3541 focuses on analysis of the strategic options facing innovating, high-margin food and agribusinesses worldwide. Emphasis is on discussion of business strategy cases featuring fresh produce, wine industry, food processing, retail grocery and restaurant companies. Teams work together to prepare case analyses for presentation to the class. Presentations are videotaped. Students receive feedback and are coached on how to enhance their performance. (4 units)

MGMT 3543 A rebuild of the Global Food System is poised to be the largest commercial disruption in history, more than an order of magnitude larger than tech but it is not unprecedented.   Driving a historical wave of food innovation has been a proliferation of scores of tiny startups, sometimes just with two people.  This new food culture is a fusion of the Silicon Valley Information Technology startup culture and biotechnology.  At stake is not simply another wave of food trends. More at stake than an example of techno-economic disruption scaling an established global business.  Food is poised to take a leading role in the reduction of our global carbon footprint. 

This class examines both the startup culture, the evolution of consumer packaged food goods, and its influence on the environment.  Units include a history of global food, the emergence of alternative proteins, cellular agriculture, functional proteins, and other biotechnology that is the basis for a new century of food and consumer innovation. 

MGMT 3543 aims to give students technical and theoretical background but also practical experience in tools and best practices for conceiving and executing a startup from concept to introducing an unprecedented product.  Raising funds from Venture Capital and starting Venture Capital will also be discussed.  Students will conceive of and present companies and learn to build brand through exercises and labs throughout the course.  (4 units) Prerequisite: none


Financial Aid and Center Scholarships

Students pursuing the Food Entrepreneurship MBA Concentration are eligible to receive financial aid from the Center for Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship and from the Leavey School of Business. 

Piggy bank wearing a graduation cap.

The Center awards up to $190,000 per year in scholarships.



CFIE hosts a team of MBA students each year to participate in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Case Study competition.