Preparing Sophomores for a Successful Career in Accounting
On February 15, 2018, SCU held its first career fair for sophomores interested in learning about CPA firm summer leadership programs and internships. Fifty-two students met with representatives from 14 CPA firms, including Abbott Stringham & Lynch, Andersen Tax, Armanino, BDO, BPM, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Frank, Rimerman + Co., KPMG, Moss Adams, Novogradac, PwC, RSM, and Sensiba San Filippo. We created this new Career Fair in recognition that firm recruitment of undergraduate Accounting and A&IS majors has evolved to the point that a significant percentage of CPA firm internship hiring occurs in connection with their summer leadership programs for sophomores.
The career fair lasted from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in Locatelli Center. Several of the firms returned during the week of March 5-9 to interview these students for positions in their summer leadership and diversity internship programs. The career fair was a success, and we plan to hold our second Accounting Sophomore Career Fair in February 2018.